"바티칸 천문대(Vatican Observatory)는 미국 아리조나 주 그레이엄산(Mt Graham)에 세워진 그레이엄산 국제 천문대(Mount Graham International Observatory(MGIO) 컨소시엄의 멤버이고(The truth of the matter is that the Vatican Observatory is a member of the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO) consortium, ...), MGIO의 지분을 보유한 유럽의 한 기관이 "루시퍼(Lucifer)"라는 이름의 적외선 카메라와 분광기를 설치했다(One of the stake holders in the MGIO is a group of European institutes who built an infrared camera and spectroscope, and named it "Lucifer")." [원문보기] |
다시 말해 '루시퍼'는 그레이엄산 천문대에 설치된 여러 망원경 중 하나일 뿐이며 로마교황청과는 상관이 없다는 얘기.
그런데 탐 혼(Tom horn)은 "예수회 소속 천문학자(?)가 루시퍼를 사용한다"는 얘길 했었지.
However, Tom Horn, co-author of “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here” and “Exo-Vaticana,” told WND he explored the Mount Graham International Observatory in September 2012. “We did talk to the Jesuit who was on duty at VATT, and we found out that the Vatican Jesuit astronomers can apply to use the LUCIFER device just like anybody else can, and they do,” he said. “When we were in the LBT, we asked the systems engineer, and he said he believes that the Jesuits have, and they certainly can. Any of the members of the consortium that make up the Mount Graham International Observatory have the same opportunities as any of the others do.” [원문보기] |
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